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聯合國千禧發展目標 – 綠色辦公室獎勵計劃
United Nations Millennium Development Goals - Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme (GOALS)

由「世界綠色組織」籌辦,「北區青年商會」全力支持的「聯合國千禧發展目標 – 綠色辦公室獎勵計劃」(GOALS) ,將可協助企業把辦公室變綠!參與企業不僅獲得環保培訓,還獲本會派員到其辦公室進行多角度的綠色評估,範圍包括節約能源、減少廢物、綠色採購等,使企業能夠減省營運成本。


World Green Organisation (WGO) has recently initiated the Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme (GOALS) with core supporting organisation Junior Chamber International (JCI). The scheme aims to accelerate positive changes in workplace through execution of the Best Green Practices. Participating companies will not only benefit from the green training provided by WGO and technical training partners, but also the green office assessment and advice covering different aspects, such as energy conservation, waste reduction, green procurement, and hence, cost saving.

As recognition of their contribution to environment, successful applicants will be awarded with WGO's Green Office Label and United Nations - UNMDG's Better World Company Label. The scheme is opened for application now. Please click here for more information.

Mr. Michael Lai appointed Chairman of Board of Governors of WGO

  賴錦璋太平紳士出任世界綠色組織的董事會主席。賴先生從事福利行政工作40年,70年代中任聖公會聖基道兒童院院長至1990年,其後出任聖雅各福群會總幹事至2012年,並在任內推動多項環保政策。多年來,他致力為香港服務,參與多個政府諮詢組織,如中央政策組、社會福利諮詢委員會、安老事務委員會及可持續發展委員會。 本會深信,憑著他在社福界的豐富經驗,定可把貧窮等民生問題,與環保及經濟議題互相結合,協助制訂全方位的解決方案,推動可持續發展。
賴錦璋先生, BBS, MH, JP
Mr. Michael Lai


Mr. Michael Lai, BBS, MH, JP has been named as the Chairman of Board of Governors of World Green Organisation. Mr. Lai is a renowned social welfare administrator in Hong Kong for 40 years. He drove several imperative environmental measures during his tenure as Chief Executive Officer of St. James’ Settlement, after being the Superintendent of SKH St. Christopher’s Children Home for 14 years.

Mr. Lai constantly strives for the betterment of Hong Kong. He has served on a number of Government’s Advisory Boards and Committees such as Central Policy Unit, Social Welfare Advisory Committee, Elderly Commission and the Council for Sustainable Development. With his profound experience in social welfare, we believe that Mr. Lai will lead WGO successfully in advocating sustainable development through an integrated three-pronged solution, which combines social, environmental and economic aspects.

「創意領袖2次方」課程 – 讓企業無懼環境挑戰
Power of 2 in Innovative Leadership Executive Training - Preparing Business to Meet Environmental Challenges

The launching ceremony of Power of 2 in Innovative Leadership executive training


整個工作坊以富挑戰性的工作任務及模擬的營商情景為主導,旨在提升參與者的自信和創意,同時讓學員思考及分析環境變化對企業管理、供應鏈,以至投資決定的影響,並激發其應變才能和創新營運技巧,從中明白企業風險管理的重要性。 「創意領袖2次方課程首班已於5月31日展開,請按此閱覽課程詳情。

Climate change has already started to impact business operations and supply chains. What measure should company take to embrace these challenges while achieving a long-term success? The unique Power of 2 in Innovative Leadership executive training programme jointly organised by World Green Organisation and Dialogue in The Dark will help. The programme aims to encourage executives to take an innovative approach to tackle environmental threats.

Featuring an array of exciting task-filled challenges and scenario-based business simulation, this one-day programme will not only inspire participants to manage changes with confidence, creativity and resilience. It will also raise their understanding of the effects of extreme weather on management, supply chain and business investment as well as the importance of risk management. The first Power of 2 in Innovative Leadership executive training programme was held on May 31. Please click here for more information.

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